Shanghai Launches Logo Design Contest to Brand Pudong New District
Shanghai city’s official tourist department has launched a new logo design contest to brand the Pudong New Area.
The large district lies along and extends out from the eastern bank of the Huangpu River, is well-known for its four major landmark attractions: Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower, Jin Mao Tower, Shanghai World Financial Center and Shanghai Tower. Not to be forgotten is the Shanghai Science & Technology Museum and the Shanghai Maglev train station.
Additioal points of interest include the Bund Sightseeing Tunnel that goes under the Huangpu River, the Shanghai Ocean Aquarium, Riverside Avenue, Shanghai Expo Park, Dishui Lake, and Shanghai Disneyland Park, all of which serves to make the district a key tourist destination.
To further develop Pudong’s appeal as a tourist destination, a campaign has been officially kicked off this month to collect proposed logo designs and slogans that represent the district’s image as a tourist destination.
Here is the announcement of the campaign:
1. Content
Logo and slogan designs that highlight Pudong New District’s image as an attractive tourist destination
2. Timeline and Eligible Participants
All logo designs and slogan must be submitted by January 31, 2016
Showcasing of the selected submissions: March, 2016
Eligible Participants: The campaign is available to companies, organisations and individuals and submissions must contain both logo design and text of proposed slogan.
3. Requirements
Logo design and text of slogan shall represent Pudong New District’s image as a compelling tourist destination
a. Both logo and slogan shall incorporate unique tourism elements of the district and have artistic appeal and visual impact
b. The digital versions of the logo and slogan must be submitted in TIF or JPG format, with the aspect ratio and colour indicated.
c. Submitted designs must be original and have not been made available to the public before the data of submission. Copying or reproducing existing designs is strictly prohibited.
d. The text and layout of the slogan shall be provided in Chinese or in both Chinese and English and consist of concise and catchy words, and be accompanied by a simple explanation of the message behind the chosen text.
4. Design Prizes (in yuan)
• One Top prize: a design award of 100,000 yuan plus coverage of copyright fees
• Four Runner-up prizes: 20,000 yuan for each of the four runner-up winners. The winners of this prize will keep ownership of the copyright
5. Participation
Email entries to: [email protected]
Names, addresses and contact must be specified in all submissions.
6. Review Methods
• The top five designs will be selected during the final round with prizes awarded to the winning authors.
•The results of the campaign will be announced through media channels.
Source: Shanghai Pudong New District Travel Agency