American Injectables Rolls Out New Logo

American Injectables Rolls Out New Logo

American Injectables, a contract manufacturer in the pharmaceutical industry, has debuted a new brand, complete with new logo, colour palette, imagery, and brand voice.

As part of the rebranding effort, the firm claims its team members interviewed dozens of industry professionals.

“Across the board, frustration with convoluted communication helped inspire American Injectables’ simple, straightforward design,” says the Florida-headquartered company.

And being American, the new logo also features the nation’s signature red, white, and blue colours.

“Our mission is to bring quality injectable manufacturing back to America, improving reliable access for patients,” comments the company’s CEO, Beau Garrett, “and now our brand reflects that.”

“We wanted the brand to match what American Injectables has always stood for – highly-specialised, transparent partnership,” he adds.

The business is known for developing medicines that are given by way of injections, all of which is reflected in the new logo design, especially with the letter ‘A’ in the wordmark.

Source: American Injectables